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Rules of Pixel Genesis Online

  1. Please keep profanity at a minimum, we don't mind if you get mad at something, just please do not get mad at an individual! If you use excessive profanity at an individual, it will result in a ZIP

  2. Do not use any profanity in your username, as it will result in a VANISH.

  3. Do not make a Realm and use profanity as the name, it will result in a VANISH

  4. Do not participate in any scams. This includes: Stealing, tricking, or trolling.

  5. |Realm Leaders| and |Realm Keepers| are moderators who help keep the game and community safe from anyone breaking our rules. 

  6. Do not share your password or any other personal information with others, even if they are good friends, it will result in a VANISH

  7. Do not try to get vanished (ban) or zipped (mute), it will result in a PERMANENT VANISH.

  8. Do not hack the game, if you do, it will result in a PERMANENT VANISH

  9. Do not trust any sources of free items for Pixel Genesis Online, we can't help you if you do. Plus, it will result if a VANISH for both the scammer and the victim

  10. Please have fun and enjoy the game. We here at Pixel Genesis Online want everybody to have fun! 

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